Dawn of the 7th Day Olga Morales
The study of W.D. Gann opens up a Pandora’s Box full of esoteric mysteries. As you search for clues and keys to decode his coded novel The Tunnel Thru the Air, (TTTTA), you find yourself being pulled into a metaphysical realm of the highest order. My Gann files include subjects as follows: Astrology, Sacred Geometry, Hermeticism, Kabbalah, Numerology, Tarot, Pyramidology, Gematria, Bible codes and Prophecy, Masonry, Egyptian Mysteries, Alchemy and the list goes on. Gann tells you to read the Bible three times and that it’s the greatest BOOK for forecasting future cycles. Below are some quotes from TTTTA. “In making my predictions I use geometry and mathematics, just as an astronomer, based on immutable laws.”1 “How few people are willing to study the Bible in order to understand the signs and discern the future and profit by it.’ 2 “Robert was a great believer in Astrology because he had found this great science referred to so many times in the Holy Bible. He had made notes as he read the Bible at different times where it referred to Astrology or the signs in the heavens and was thoroughly convinced that the influence of the heavenly bodies govern our lives.”3 “Robert knew that the Bible was replete with references that the heavens ruled. He had read where it said: ‘Discern the end from the beginning, where Jesus said, “I will judge you in the place of your nativity.”4 The Bible in essence is a compendium of planetary phenomena turned into myths and symbolic stories/cycles. The stories/cycles go way back into time when man started recording the movement of their gods (Stars and Planets) traversing the heavens and then disappearing, dying and resurrecting again. Measuring their movements required counting thus the need for mathematics and geometry emerged. Numbers were discovered as a result not just arbitrarily invented. From The Tunnel Thru the Air (TTTTA) “He had learned that the "7th" was a sacred day, and had often talked to Marie about the number 7, and the number of times it is spoken of in the Bible. How God had blessed the 7th day and made it the Sabbath; how many things had come to pass on the 7th day of the 7th month, or the 7th year referred to in the Bible.”5
Pg 75 Pg 84 3 Pg 172 4 Pg 175 5 Pg 152 2
Olga Morales
Exodus 20:11 "For [in] six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them [is], and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it." In the Book of Revelation seven positively shines out: there are seven golden candlesticks, seven letters to seven churches, a book sealed with seven seals, seven angels standing before the Lord with seven trumpets, seven thunders and seven last plagues. In fact there are over 50 occurrences of the number seven in Revelation alone. “7” is the fatal number referred to many times in the Bible and it is ruled by the planet Saturn, which brings about contractions, depression and panics. Seven times 7 equals 49, which is shown as a fatal year, causing extreme fluctuations.” 6 W.D. Gann was 49 years old when he wrote TTTTA and I was the same age writing Dawn of the 7 Day. I published it on the 14th November 2015, this was the date that Saturn had made its third return to the date Gann published TTTTA, 9th May 1927. The amazing cosmic connection for me was that it was my 50th Birthday! There are no coincidences in life. th
“Six Days of Creation and one day of rest. Saturn is the planet of rest. On the Sabbath (Saturday or Saturn’s day) no work was permitted due to Saturn being the most malignant planet connected with misery, plagues, cold and darkness. The planet of old age Saturn was Old father time, also known as Cronus in Greek; he was often portrayed with a sickle/scythe or an hour glass similar to the grim reaper. Saturn was connected with the sickle of harvest because Saturn is exalted in Libra the sign of the harvest.”7 Time Cycles analysis. “The next important major cycle is 30 years, which is caused by the planet Saturn. This planet makes one revolution around the sun every 30 years. Saturn rules the products of the earth and causes extreme high or low prices in products of the earth at the end of the 30 year cycle and this makes stocks high or low.” 8 30 years equates to 360 months 15 years 180 months 7.5 years 90 months 3.75 years 45 months The 8th Harmonic of the Saturn Cycle is therefore 45 months.
W.D. Gann, Commodity Course. Olga Morales, Dawn of the 7th Day, pg 11. 8 W.D. Gann, Commodity Course. 7
Olga Morales
DAYS of the WEEK Days comes from DEIS in latin from DEITY = Gods/Planets Deis Solis – Day of the Sun – Sunday - Domenica Monday- Lunedi -
Tuesday- Martedi-
Wednesday- Mercoledi
Thursday- Giovedi
Friday – Venerdi
Saturday- Sabato
There are two cycles involving the seven ancient planets. One is the Natural Cycle which follows the order of distance from the earth, around the heptagon (Seven pointed star) Thus Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon. The other is the Diurnal cycle following the days of the week inside the heptagon along the arrows, thus, Saturn, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.
Olga Morales
Septimal Law – The Law of Seven “The vibratory activities of the planetary Universe are governed by a law of periodicity. Everything that lives has a period of birth, growth, fruition and decline. These periods are governed by Septimal Law”. 9 Gen 2:2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. “You’ll understand why Jesus rose on the third day and rested on the 7 th”. 10 “I have before stated that every person’s good days are the day of the week of birth and the 3 rd and 4th days of the week after birth. The evil days are the 6th and 7th days of the week after birth. …The 6th and 7th days of the week have been called good and evil days, since time immemorial. No doubt the basis for this idea is that the bible says God finished his work on the 6 th and rested on the 7th days of the week.” 11 First thing we have to do, it work out the luckiest days of the week for you and the not so lucky according to Septimal law. What day of the week were you born? The 3rd and 4th days are positive in Green and the negative are 6th and 7th. The 2nd and 5th days are neutral days. For example, if you were born on a Wednesday, your ruling planet is Mercury. The best days for you would be Friday/ Saturday and the unlucky ones Monday /Tuesday.
Charles F Haanel, The Master key System. W.D. Gann- forward TTTTA. 11 Lyman Stowe, Periodicity 10
Olga Morales
The Seven Year Itch Every Seven Years You Change Most cells in your body are renewed over this period of time. 1. 0-7
(Physical Growth)
2. 8-14
(Emotional Growth)
3. 15-21
(Hormones and SEX)
4. 22-28
(Mind, University and Work)
5. 29-35
(Expansion, Adventure)
6. 36-42
7. 43-49
(Restrictions, Midlife Crisis)
Then the pattern starts all over again. Second Cycle of 49 8. 50-56 = Sunday
Sun - Golden Jubilee 50
9. 57- 63 = Monday
10. 64-70 = Tuesday
11. 71-77 = Wednesday Mercury 12. 78-84 = Thursday
13. 85-91 = Friday
14. 92-98 = Saturday
Saturn Figure 1 F.C. Higgins, Hermetic Masonry. Page 39
36 Year Hebrew Cycle When I replicated the tables in Sepharial’s The World Horoscope, I noticed that the last cycle in the 36 Hebrew Cycle is the SUN in Pisces Cycle- time frame between 1981-2016. Pisces is the 12th sign of the zodiac and thus the end of the cycle. These cycles start on the 21 st of March of each year, therefore as this Pisces Cycle ends another must start on the 21 st March 2017. The next cycle is ARIES ruled by SATURN for 36 years. This is a complete new cycle. Last time Saturn in Aries ruled the 36 year period was in 1008BC. Yes 3024 years ago! That is a completion of the whole cycle. 7 planets x 12 signs x 36 Years (Decans) = 3024 years.
Olga Morales
Sun in Pisces 1981-2016
By this contrary revolution of the planets according to their natural and their Diurnal orders, each sign of the zodiac is ruled jointly by two planets, and from the combined natures of these planets and their appointed offices in the world, presage is made concerning the destinies of the several countries according as they come under the rule of one another of the Signs”.12
Diurnal Order Saturn (Saturday) Sun (Sunday) Moon (Monday) Mars (Tuesday) Mercury(Wednesday) Jupiter (Thursday) Venus (Friday)
Natural Order Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon
The Dawn of the 7th Day begins on the 21st March 2017, with the Primary Ruler of Saturn in Aries for the next 36 years, 2017 – 2052. Olga Morales 30th March 2016. Dawn of the 7th Day available at http://www.astrologyforganntraders.com.au/-new-book-.html Read more and watch the You Tube videos for more insights. https://www.youtube.com/user/OM618
Sepharial, Hebrew Astrology pg 27
Olga Morales
Olga Morales