Who called you from 8776887664 (+18776887664) ? (2025)

All texts of the reviews are written by real users of our applications or visitors of this website. The content of reviews contains real user's experience with the phone number. In most cases the reviews are short because written on mobile devices. Short reviews are also very useful and can help others. Please be aware that reviews violating our terms of use are removed or censored.

Company reported by SIA User

National Grid

15 months ago

Unsolicited call reported by FCC Complaint

17 months ago

Company reported by SIA User

National Grid

18 months ago

Lisa from national grid (Robocall) reported by Wayner315

Constantly receive calls from this Lisa robocall. Received one and instantly called Grid. I do not have a past due bill and the reps I spoke with said they do not use robocalls and they do not have any calls going out that hand prerecorded Lisa message. The number they give to call is grids actual collections line but this is not national grid calling.

19 months ago

Company reported by SIA User

nat'l grid

20 months ago

It advises you to call national grid (Other) reported by Linda

Left message: Hello this is Lisa calling from national grid we noticed you have an unpaid balance in our previous bill let's get you back on track visit us online at Ngrid.com/payment assistance or call us back at 800-443-1837 to make a payment or sign up for a deferred payment agreement to prevent possible service disconnection in the future again visit us at N grid.com/payment assistance or call us at 800-4431837 we understand these are financially difficult times for many and we are here to help if you've already paid this balance or made payment arrangements thank you this message is from national grid 300 Erie Blvd. W., Syracuse, NY 13202 goodbye…”

22 months ago

National grid scam call (Scam call) reported by Another victim

Calls says I'm past due. All bills are paid up. I've received more scam calls from this number than any other number this is number 23.

25 months ago

They called I answered and didn't speak, after 3 seconds call end (Silent call) reported by 174.197.204.xxx

31 months ago

This is not associated with National Grid, it is a scam caller (Robocall) reported by aname here

Scam caller, do not provide any information

32 months ago

Nuisance call reported by 24.59.161.xxx

spam caller.

32 months ago

Nationalgrid say I owe past bill but all my bills are paid (Robocall) reported by 50.96.247.xxx

35 months ago

National Grid. Missed call, hit call back national grid answered (Company) reported by no

Saw this listed as possible national grid number here, also saw it listed as possible national grid pretender scam. I'm not sure either way.

36 months ago

Financial services reported by SIA User

National Grid Positive

38 months ago

bogus pay now call (Scam call) reported by Jenni Jenni

the message says I am past due with my utility by hundreds of dollars, and that I need to pay now or my service will be cut off in 45 minutes. My bill, for less than $75.00, was paid prior to receiving the call. I am in good status with my utility provider.

38 months ago

Telemarketer reported by 107.242.117.xxx


39 months ago

Company reported by SIA User

national grid, gas and electric

39 months ago

Company reported by SIA User

Niagara mohawk

41 months ago

National Grid Collection (Service) reported by Norma

This is National Grid calling due to past due. I do have a past due amount, so it makes sense as to why they would call. Signed up for covid relief, so this should stop the calls.

43 months ago

Company reported by SIA User

National grid electic, help needed for paying bill, National grid bill assistance

46 months ago

Company reported by SIA User

nat grid rep phone

47 months ago

National Grid Bill (Scam call) reported by LJ

Scammer tried to claim that I owed money to National Grid even though this is a brand new phone number not yet associated with me.

57 months ago

National Grid (Company) reported by Sarah

Billing reminder

65 months ago

Company reported by SIA User

National Grid

70 months ago

Unsolicited call reported by 173.225.61.xxx

I don't know who this number belongs to.

70 months ago

Service reported by 100.4.213.xxx

Utility company

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Who called you from 8776887664 (+18776887664) ? (2025)
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Article information

Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Last Updated:

Views: 5593

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (64 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.